''The Only Way You'll Win''

Image credit: pexels-m-venter-1659437
Audio: 421-The Only Way You'll Win.mp3

Perhaps they don't know better;
ways of war are all they've known
Perhaps they once were victims too;
and act as they were shown

But now with their attention
and attacks focused on you
You'll either break the cycle
or you'll wind up changing too

Yes cycles can be broken
if you pause and see what's real
Don't form your first responses
simply based on how you feel

Engage them at their level
and you join them in their lot
Fight them with their weapons
and you hone what you are not

Your hope of evolution
rests in rising above wrath
Let neither barb no brute through pain
divert you from your path

No foe is truly vanquished
when you parry sin for sin
Stay true to who you are,
for it's the only way you'll win!

It can get brutal some times. The constant press of attack, the perceived injustice, the slights, the rejections, the snubs and those darned walls can make you feel like responding in kind. It's normal to return slight for slight. It's understandable to want to adjust yourself to meet the challenge of the onslaught...to become just like your attacker.

But remember, your retaliation threatens only you. It feeds the attacker, but depletes you, the attacked, because it forces you to be something you are not. It warps your sail, and alters your course in life. Instead, find something to hold on to--something from your past or your future that reminds you who you are, and who you wish to be.

Your goal in the face of any attack or threat to your happiness is elevation, not engagement. Height, not hostility. The key to survival and transcendance is to recognize that your response sets your tone, your tone sets your vibration, your vibration resonates with others similarly tuned, which will simply attract more of the same. You are always changed more by your response than the attack itself. One comes from the outside, one comes from within you. Don't let them change you.

If you let them change you, you lose.

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