''The Next Leap of Faith''

Image credit: pexels-mary-taylor-6008980
Audio: 420-The Next Leap of Faith.mp3

The goal is one step closer
well done, but don't stop there
The moment that you took it
it became a conquered fear

The field has now been altered
the rules have since been changed
The dreams you set your sights upon
are now within your range

You're now a different person
new dreams new comfort zone
You're likely to regress
without some brand new skills to hone

So revel in your victory
but please don't rest too long
Without new heights to soar to
pampered wings grow weak not strong

There is no end to striving
for that's the game we play
And men need dreams to test their skills
like dragons knights need slay

Find the thing that represents the next stretch of who you are. Once you've conquered a fear, it becomes merely a notch on your belt, a story to tell. There is no end to striving.

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