''I Don't Know Your World''

Image credit: pexels-pixabay-220201
Audio: 444-I Don't Know Your World.mp3

My world is free of judgment
I see all men as themselves
No biases, no prejudice,
no boxes and no shelves

My world's based on the premise
that innately man is good
Wayward at times but given choice
treats others as he should

My world's not complicated
for the heart's bliss is the goal
A world free of deception
where no one seeks control

My world's based on abundance
and no one need live in lack
No good can come through building wealth
upon on another's back

My world's free of pollution
we respect land, air and seas
As stewards are we charged
and on this everyone agrees

My world's a fun adventure
one where innocence survives
The spark of youthful wonderment
persists for all our lives

My world is here to give you hope
and share with you this news
Your life can be your dream
So dream the world that you would choose

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