''The Final Question''

Image credit: pexels-john-2922718
Audio: 439-The Final Question.mp3

WHO is your main character
a role you chose to play
But who is just a face
that may evolve from day to day

WHAT is what the who doth want
the thing or goal in mind
But clarity alone
won't bring the thing you seek to find

HOW will be your game plan
and while vital once begun
Anyone can master how
and slaves can get things done

WHY is motivation
it's your fuel for the fight
But why without one final query
never gets things right

But WHEN, my friend, ahh there's the rub
the vital missing link
Yes, when is that which matters most
despite what people think

Yes when's the final question
it's the one that seals the deal
When time is all you really have...
when's what makes things real

Ask and answer "when" to put your dreams squarely in the stream of time-based events we call life. Every other consideration is merely show. Set a time and stick to it.
P.S. "Now" is often the best answer to the final question.

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