''a time for new beginnings''

Image credit: pexels-ann-h-2646531
Audio: 409-a time for new beginnings.mp3

From baby years to present fears
let sinners be redeemed
Then lucky eyes will see
that things aren't always as they seemed

A cosmic shift, a needed gift
when all the stars align
And clouds reveal the long lost sun
that's been there all the time

Forgiven past, a brand new cast
your lesson is at hand
But dwellers in denial
miss their chance to understand

Embrace the new, a different view
let go of blame and shame
It's time for new beginnings
seek your glory stake your claim!

What could you accomplish once free of the ropes of resentment, the bondage of blame, and the fetters of fear? There's freedom in forgiveness of a nature you can't know, until you take the time to cut the chains and just let go.

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