''Beyond the Verbiage''

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Audio: 346-Beyond the Verbiage.mp3

I chose my friends from those
who matched my introspective bent
Convinced our thoughts were higher grade
the deeper that they went

But now I seek connection
through the heavy and the light
And mine beneath the verbiage
for neither's wrong nor right

I was reminded by positive mind guru Armand Dimele, that there are two types of people in the world: those who like deep philosophical, introspective conversations, and those who like the superficial, light and airy ones.

I was also reminded that those of us who profess to like the heavy, need to be wary not to judge as inferior those who choose the light. It's just a different way of being. There's no right or wrong.

And so, I pass the reminder on to you. You can still find what most of us are looking for--connection and clarity-- while engaged in heavy as well as light conversations. Let others be who they are.

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