''Fixing Birds''

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Audio: 345-Fixing Birds.mp3

"Want to know how to really help others? Help yourself first! Once you help yourself you become such a beacon of light that shines so bright that others will automatically be helped without you doing one blessed thing!"-Gladys Edmunds

Fixing Birds

The clueless solve the mysteries
while the sightless guide the blind
And those without direction
lead the lost to peace of mind

The utmost height of folly:
ego's fed but you're defeated
You strive to cure the world its woes
while your ills go untreated

So climb the ladder first
and show you practice what you preached
Then throw a life line back
to help the world to where you've reached

Don't give away your map
before your own gold has been found
For you can't coach wounded birds to fly
while stranded on the ground!

Last night, I had an insightful, inspiring 3-hour interview/talk with Gladys Edmunds. Gladys, a dynamic entrepreneur, author and USA Today columnist with a long list of stellar achievements, was known at one time by the media as that "16 year old who took 9 dollars and built a 9 million dollar business!"

During our talk, Gladys reminded me of some simple traveler's wisdom. Anyone who's traveled by plane, has no doubt heard "in the event of a loss of cabin pressure, place your mask on first before helping those around you." This simple wisdom works well on the ground too, and in many areas of life. What good can you be to others if your own life is in chaos? Can you really raise passion-centered children if you yourself live a passionless life? Can you really speak from a place of certainty, truth and conviction about anything which you yourself have not experienced? Well, many try. For many of these people, however, they're really seeking the ego gratification of being the "give till hit hurts" sacrificing samaritan who helps others while neglecting his or her own needs.

Noble, yes. Effective? Maybe not. Gladys (and I too) suggest that for the next seven days we do things a little differently. For the next week, resolve to do the things that benefit YOU. Each day, ask, "what can I do for me today? What will I do to help myself up the ladder that are just about me?"

Now, I know what you're thinking. No it's not about being selfish. It's not about doing for yourself to the exclusion of others. It's not about winning so others lose. It's simply about making the time to do things that benefit you first and foremost. Again, this is not an exercise in how to be selfish. In fact, you want to know what's really selfish? Helping others simply to feed your ego-driven image of yourself without really having the means to truly help them--that's selfish!

So instead of finding and fixing all the wounded birds strewn across your path this week, focus on you. Fix you, and you might be surprised who seeks you out to be the light in their own journey! You might find that the best way to help others to help yourself!

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