''SelfGrowth 101''
I've often commented during my "Turn Your Passion Into Profit" workshops, that the journey towards the life of your dreams begins when you make a commitment to personal growth. Invariably, someone will ask, "What exactly does it mean to grow personally?" Well, each of my Friday Inspirations addresses some aspect of growth from my own perspective. You can check them out at the archives at www.waltgoodridge.com. But, just in case you've joined us somewhere along the way, let's do a little review and refresher course so that we're all on the same page. Here then, is SelfGrowth 101
You'll first need to accept the fact
that things you're prone to do
Reveal more about who you are
than you believe they do
Accept that everything on earth
is ruled by natural laws
And everything has meaning then
and all effects have cause
Accept that you're accountable
for each new situation
Acknowledge that in some weird way
you've helped in their creation
Accept your role as writer
not just actor in this play
If things are not as you might wish
then change them in some way
And then proceed to ask yourself
what might my actions mean?
If ultimately I'm root cause
what message can I glean?
What image of my world and me
am I perpetuating?
(It's usually our low self-worth
we aid in validating)
Though circumstances in your past
affect who you've become
It's what you do right now
that will affect your next outcome
So just in case you didn't know
the truth is now you know
It's where you look for answers
that determines how you grow
So never stop your seeking
for the answers to these questions
For discovering the answers
will make future days the best ones!
Search for a specific topic:
(e.g., relationship, career, romance, etc)
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