
Image credit: pexels-binyamin-mellish-169523
Audio: 446-Seeds.mp3

Some seeds thrive in deserts
and it matters not how dry
They'll always find a source of life
and none know how or why

Some seeds need the showers
and are dormant 'til it rains
But just a drop of water's
all it takes to make some gains

Some seeds need the darkness
with no need for sun or light
And seem to grow the most it seems
when hidden out of sight

Some seeds need some distance
to reach their height and prime
On wind and wing they travel far
to find a different clime

Some seeds need a challenge
storm, or outright attack
Like weeds through concrete slabs they'll grow
where most are driven back

Some seeds need arable land
or else they won't take root
With sun and light in full supply
to bear the choicest fruit

From seed time comes the harvest
and the bounty you shall claim
Find the soil that feeds you
for all seeds are not the same

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