''Sometimes Even Isn't Fair''

Image credit: pexels-laker-6156975
Audio: 393-Sometimes Even isn't Fair.mp3

I cut the dish in half
and thought it best be served that way
For two sat at the table
with their orders of the day

I divvied all the spoils
and felt content all would agree
That two things to be shared
meant one for you and one for me

I kept an eye for even
so that none would go without
So none would tax their well
or walk away in debt or drought

For fair to me meant balance
what you take and what you give
And never would have thought
there'd be another way to live

But then I met a traveller
who taught me I was wrong
"Yes, in the land of love," she said
"we sing a different song."

The hungry get the lion's share
and more to fill their need
And taking when you're hungry's
not a selfish act of greed

The able, too, are told
to give no less than they desire
For love knows no depletion
and to this should they aspire

For even isn't always fair
and justice can't be planned
And lines drawn down the middle
all depend on where you stand

Perhaps those in love do sing a different song!

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