''Neverwood: A Land of Peace''

Image credit: pexels-jeswin-thomas-2910597
Audio: 375-Neverwood A Land Of Peace.mp3

Once upon a time
a long, long time ago in fact
I took a fateful journey
and I made myself a pact

I left my home in Fearful
leaving all I knew behind
And came to live in Neverwood
where no one is unkind

On days when peace is threatened
by my enemies without
I need only remember
just what Neverwood's about

Never would their sticks and stones
or even what they say
Make me doubt my true self-worth
or drag me to the fray

Never would their silver coins
or promises of gold
Make me compromise my pride
or ever sell my soul

Never would the threat of loss
of any earthly things
Make me cede them power
or the right to pull my strings

Never would their warlike ways
or bold outright attacks
Bait me into conflict
or retaliatory acts

Yes, Neverwood protects me
from a life of fear and lack
And though at times I reminisce
I never would go back

Let the world be on notice. I live in Neverwood!

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