''Gold or Grief''

Image credit: pexels-kumar-gaurav-352097
Audio: 372-Gold or Grief.mp3

It's not a bargain if it's busted
so the buyer must beware
'Cause any savings in the purchase
is outweighed in the repair

If after days in search of discounts
all you really save's a dime
Admit a penny saved is worthless
if you've squandered all your time

It's not real help if now you're anxious
and more worried than before
Better to pay the pro's percentage
and leave anguish at the door

For every deal extracts a value
and how you pay's for you to choose
Balance the gold or grief equation
so that you gain more than you lose!

Is it really a shortcut if you end up working harder to get there? Are you really being helped if you have to clean up after they mess up? Is it worth the disappointment of settling for less just to say you're in a relationship? (Yep,there are "discount relationships" too!) When you make your decisions in life, are you really gaining more than you're losing? Your time and peace of mind and physical well-being are more valuable than the dollars or self-image that you save. Personally, I'd rather pay in gold than grief!

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