''Walk With Giants''

Image credit: pexels-skitterphoto-3909
Audio: 244-Walk With Giants.mp3

Play with pros
and soon you'll raise the level of your game
Fly with stars
and soon you'll raise the status of your name

Work with happy people
soon you too will start to smile
Run with winners
cross the finish line in just a while

Dine with kings
and soon life's every feast will grace your plate
Talk with prophets
in due time you too create your fate

Stand on mountains
just like that much more comes into view
Walk with giants
sure enough your world gets bigger too!

Keep this between you and me until July, but Entrepreneur Magazine has asked me to write an article on turning passion into profit. In the process, I've sought out and interviewed unique passion seekers who've grown their companies to sales of 1 million dollars or more.

One of the most consistent keys that 90% of them have cited that helped them grow past that elusive million-dollar milestone and into the big leagues has been having a mentor guiding them in the business of business. The next most important thing has been the cultivation of relationships and a network of similar-minded individuals. I call such mentors and associates "giants."

They're not the small (minded) people who can lift you no higher than they themselves have reached in their thoughts; not those of minor vision who can see for you nothing higher than they themselves can see, but the giants, who by viritue of their stature, step wider, see more and reach farther, and encourage you to do the same.

With whom do you walk?

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