''When Do I Quit My Job?''

Image credit: pexels-tima-miroshnichenko-5453837
Audio: 209-When Do I Quit My Job.mp3

Each Tuesday for the last 6 weeks, I've been hosting a unique "Turn Your Passion Into INTERNET Profit" phone-in workshop. A limited number of participants are taken through an intensive, interactive course to help them get all the facts, guidance and step-by-step assistance to set up their business on the internet. During the last conference call*, someone asked, "So, when do I quit my job?"

To have some fun with the answer, I replied, "You quit your job when you want to be successful." Other answers include "You quit your job when you don't want to work there anymore!" Or "You quit your job when you want the alternative bad enough."

My feeling is that most people would like to have a formula to use to determine when, at some time in the future, all the pieces of the puzzle are all in perfect alignment and they can cheerfully and confidently wave goodbye to their boss! The truth is, the answer to the question has nothing to do with any facts or figures and everything to do with your identity. When you are an entrepreneur in the deepest concept of yourself, you'll know the answer to "When do I quit my job?"

For you see,

There's no such thing as future time
'cause time does not exist
To think there's more than "now," my friend's
a trap you must resist

It's tempting to construct your life
in terms of "if" and "when"
But "if" and "when" don't always come
and if they don't, what then?

Your question begs an answer
but assumes one lie is true
That somehow cause for what you'll do
exists outside of you

The critical decision
is not based on time or tide
Whoever claims a formula
quite frankly, friend, they lied

You'll need to choose your view of you
despite what terms are met
And asking "when" might simply mean
you haven't chosen yet

Identity decides
the why and when of what we do
Decide first who you are
and then you'll know what you should do

(For fish will do what fish will do
and that's the reason why
No pension, perk or paycheck
ever gets a fish to fly!)

Don't complicate the matter, then
with all this extra "stuff"
But simply choose by asking
"Do I want it bad enough?"

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