''You Can't Get It Back''

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Audio: 170-You Can't Get It Back.mp3

No refunds, no cashback
no two for one split
It's a one ticket journey
there's no u-turns, that's it

No recounts, no rewind
no instant replay
No chance to do over
or to re-live this day

No recalls, no upgrades
no trade-in for you
Take good care of the rental
for you can't ask for two

One shuffle, one deal
and one throw of the dice
Play your hand like a winner
you won't get to play twice

Time passes and heeds not
the choices you make
So by choice make the most
of the time that you take!

Arguments for reincarnation notwithstanding, it's generally agreed upon that this journey is not a practice run, but a one-time chance to get things right. So while you may have the time to review, rethink, revise, react, and remake your life from one day to the next, you don't have the option of getting back the time you lose in doing so!

Dedicated to Christine S.Note: The first few Walt's Friday Inspiration emails included quotes from various authors and personalities. It wasn't until episode 19 that I tried my hand at writing the rhyme-based inspirational messages myself. The rest, as they, is history...

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