''A Private Conversation''

Image credit: pexels-jonathan-petersson-1237119
Audio: 162-A Private Conversation.mp3

Of course I value your opinions,
I have to, 'cause mine don't seem to work
My views of how and why things are
cause me too much pain and hurt

Each time I think I have a handle
turns out I really hold the blade
And cut after cut my heart reveals
the fragile stuff of which I'm made

But before you start to pity me
or throw me a rescue rope
Rest assured I'll always bounce back
for one thing I always have is hope

And know that even in the darkness
when things don't seem to go my way
I know my future isn't tied to my past
so I start fresh with each new day! Note: The first few Walt's Friday Inspiration emails included quotes from various authors and personalities. It wasn't until episode 19 that I tried my hand at writing the rhyme-based inspirational messages myself. The rest, as they, is history...

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