''The Game''

Image credit: pexels-markus-spiske-114296
Audio: 148-The Game.mp3

Caught up, wrapped up, blocked and barred
in a desperate bid to gain the ball
It's easy to forget sometimes
it's just a game now after all

Bruised and battered, tossed and turned
feels like persecution of some sort
But you're no more the victim of this life
than a player is victim of his sport

You chose the game now play it well
opposing players do what they must
Just dodge and leap and overcome
and find some teammates you can trust

Spectator and player both you must be
step back now and then to watch yourself score
You're not your mortal trappings at all
something else to transcend (that's really what it's for)

The strategy then is to play to win
aim to do more than just survive
The goal is to recover your greatness
the final objective is to learn how to thrive!

I'm now reading Do Less, Achieve More by Chin-Ning Chu. Here's a quote:

"The rules of business, life and sports are all about overcoming strong oppositional forces. The ball game becomes a metaphor for life. Problems occur when we forget that stress is an inevitable part of the human condition. Have fun playing the game of your life." Note: The first few Walt's Friday Inspiration emails included quotes from various authors and personalities. It wasn't until episode 19 that I tried my hand at writing the rhyme-based inspirational messages myself. The rest, as they, is history...

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